Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Knee Injury

This is going to be a tough one. 20 year old female who injured knee playing basketball when she landed from a rebound with knee in hyperextension. Immediate swelling and giving way following injury. When you view this image where is the abnormality located on the radiograph? Where is the injury located on the image? What is the actual diagnosis? This is classic radiology 101! Hint - you will not find this one in your text! Will require some internet searching!
Good luck!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


This week you will read an article called "Scoliosis Imaging: What Radiologist Should Know". If you have seen a patient for scoliosis which of the various types of scoliosis did they have? Which radiographic views were, or should have been taken for the given type? If you have yet to see a patient with scoliosis, what did you learn from this article that will help you when you evaluate back patients in the future?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Posterior Shoulder Pain

This is a adult with complaints of chronic shoulder pain. Pain at activity, rest, and a noticable increase in symptoms at night. Look closely at the shoulder and tell me what you see that may be pathologic and where is it located.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Basic Radiographic Imaging

Which of the following images do you feel better shows the injury that has occured at the ankle? Is this image of an adult or adolescent? How can you tell? How would you describe the position used to take this image? What would be some symptoms this patient would have? How would they present to therapy?